Navigating the complexity of cybersecurity and data incidents: An update on current trends and legal developments
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, insurance claims personnel, lawyers, and loss adjusters find themselves at the forefront of assessing, managing, and mitigating the financial and operational impacts of these incidents on businesses. This presentation is designed to equip insurance professionals with information on the latest trends in cyber and data incidents and emerging best practice.
In part 1 Nicole Girvan (Incident Response Solutions) will address the latest developments in the cyber incident landscape and best practices for responding to cyber security breaches through case studies and real-world scenarios. In part 2 Joseph Fitzgerald (Wotton + Kearney) will provide an update on case law developments in the area of cyber and data risks, with a particular reference to key issues being litigated internationally and commentary on what this means for those dealing with cyber and data incidents in New Zealand.
10.00am Arrival networking and morning tea
10.30am Session begins
12.00pm Session ends
Cost $55